Portable boiler room and back-up solutions for a correctional facility
Due to a lack of maintenance on all power sources at a Pennsylvania correctional facility, Powerhouse was called to provide quick boiler solutions.
April 28, 2022
The Borgata Hotel and Casino is a full-service casino resort located in Atlantic City, NJ. They run the heating systems for the entire facility on a High Temperature Hot Water loop provided by the nearby Marina Energy Thermal Facility. When an expansion joint in the 36” HTHW loop failed, the facility was left without heat and hot water going into one of the coldest weeks of the year. Powerhouse received the call near midnight Sunday and was on-site within 6 hours to help coordinate the response effort. The Powerhouse was able to deliver an 800 HP Trailer Mounted Boiler, along with a heat exchanger, HTHW circulation system, boiler feedwater system and 10,000-gallon oil tank as well as an additional 250 HP Portable Boiler Room with a heat exchanger and circulation system to begin assembly of two completely self-sufficient steam plants by Monday afternoon. Powerhouse personnel stayed at the site around the clock to help install, operate and maintain the units until the damaged piping was repaired and placed back online.
Due to a lack of maintenance on all power sources at a Pennsylvania correctional facility, Powerhouse was called to provide quick boiler solutions.
In October of 2016, West Point's Public Works Department found it necessary to shut down their boiler room to perform repairs to their steam lines. Unfortunately, there was an important event happening at the same time, so they needed some steam...